Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I am not your enemy

I watched as Mr. Williams, my lawyer prepared the documents, typing and printing page by page neatly. This felt so wrong, but I had no choice. Sadness, hurt, pain, frustration was all I felt. Mr. Williams must have felt the awkward quietness. He suddenly looked up from his computer and turned towards me.

"Now now Jess," Mr. Williams said. "You know this is for your own good right?" I nodded silently. "We have to prepare a good case. When you are questioned you have to tell the judge that Mike cheated on you!"

"What?" I asked. I couldn't do that! I don't know if Mike cheated on me or not. I never saw anything! Should I just jump into conclusions? "But Mr. Williams, I didn't see him cheat on me. I don't know if he did!" That was the truth. Besides, it's Mike who filed the divorce against me. I still could not understand why. The easiest explanation was the fact that he may have cheated, but I didn't know that for sure and I just could not testify on something I have not seen.

"Jess, there is no other reason for him to file for divorce!" Mr. Williams said. "You have been a faithful wife now haven't you?"

"Yes!" I screamed. "Of course I have! I love Mike! I could never hurt him!" Tears were curling up in my eyes. "How could he do this to me? How could he just leave?"

"I understand how you feel Jess," Mr. Williams said. "Go home now. You need some rest. I will see you at the courts tomorrow."

I stood up and stormed out of Mr. Williams' office. I headed home. Home... The place once surrounded by happiness. The place I used to rush to after a hard day of work; to see my husband's face; to hold him in my arms. My house was no longer a home. Ever since Mike had suddenly moved out and filed for a divorce, my house has been surrounded by nothing but darkness and gloom.

After a rough sleepless night I woke up the next day. Today was the day. The hearing of my divorce case. After today, I would be legally divorced. Mike would no longer be my husband! Mr. Williams picked me up at 9 am and he drove towards the courts. Journalists surrounded me as I got out of the car. Mr. Williams helped me cover my face as we rushed into the court room. Judge Anderson was already there. I looked at the opposition and caught a glimpse of Mike seated next to his lawyer. Tears started curling up in my eyes, but I managed to blink them away.

"Let the case begin!" Judge Anderson said. The fight had officially begun. Mr. Williams spoke trying to prove that Mike had cheated on me. Mike's lawyer, Mr. McAdams defended Mike, trying to turn the topic into what an ungrateful wife I had been. Apparently I did not treat Mike well, I didn't love him, I didn't care for him, I neglected him! I could not stand it! I looked back at the audience we had. I noticed a lady sitting in the far corner and smiling to herself. Was it her who manipulated Mike to file divorce. I had not seen Mike cheat with my own eyes, but there was a possibility that in fact he did cheat. Could I just give him the divorce and let this woman win?

"Stop it!" I screamed as I stood up. "None of this is true!" I felt the whole jury turn to face me.

"If you have anything to say please come up," Judge Anderson said. I walked up towards the witness box. I looked around at the jury. Mr. Williams walked towards me.

"Mrs. Jones could you please tell me did your husband cheat on you?" Mr. Williams asked. I looked at his face. I knew he wanted me to say yes. I looked back towards the lady sitting behind. She was giggling wickedly now. Should I let her win?

"I don't know!" I said. I could feel the disappointment in Mr. William's face. This was not what we had discussed! I looked at Mike. He had a blank, confused, guilty expression. I turned to face Judge Anderson. "I don't know if my husband cheated on me or not. I have never seen him with another woman. But I don't care!" I turned back to face Mike. Our eyes met. "I don't care if he cheated on me or not. All I know is I love him, and I cannot live without him! If he ever did cheat on me... I... I forgive him!" I could see Mike's confused expression. It pierced my heart to know that I maybe going against his wishes, but then he lightened up. He smiled slightly. What did that mean? I wondered.

"There's a saying that, every cloud has a silver lining," I continued. "Whatever we have been though, I'm ready to fix it. If I have made any mistake I'm ready to correct it. Mike, I do not want this divorce!" I said. "I never wanted it!" I watched as Mike stood up and walked towards his lawyer.

"I want us to be together! No matter what! Mike, I want to help you build up. I cannot just give up on you! I am not the one you should beware of! I am not your enemy." I screamed.

Mike walked towards me. "I know," he said. "I am sorry!" He hugged me. I could hear the cheer of the jury. From the corner of my eye I could see darkness in the woman's face. She stood up frustrated, and stormed out of the door.

Judge Anderson stood up. "That was easy," he said. "Case dismissed!"

An idea I got by listening to the amazing song, The last fight by Bullet for my valentine

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