Sunday, June 21, 2009

You are my best friend, and I need you!

My only dream is to see you happy. My only hope is for you to be healthy. You are my best friend, and I need you! Good or bad, happy or sad I'll always stick around with you. I'll always look up to you, honour you, guide you, care for you and love you. If there was no such person as you, there would be no such person as me.

You and I, we're connected. If you are sad I'd feel it even if I was a million miles away. If you are happy, my heart would jump with joy for you. Your success would bring tears of happiness into my eyes even before it reaches yours.

If I have ever shouted at you, if I have ever scolded you, if I have ever hurt you, please forgive me. Whatever I do, I do it for you. I want you to be a good person, heart and soul. I want the world to look up to you and think of you as a role model. I don't want you to do anything wrong because that could hurt me. I simply want you to be the best person ever to be born into the world.

Whatever you do I will always have your back covered. If you are in trouble I will never let go of you, but will be there for you to help you, guide you and protect you. The world may look at you in one way, but to my eyes you are special. You are who you are, whatever the world may think. You are unique and independent, and to me that is what makes you special.

I am who I am because of you. You are my inspiration! You are my best friend! You are my shadow! And I need you! Wherever I may be, whatever I may do, wherever my future would take me just remember that I will always be by your side, safe in your heart. If I die, I will look down at you from heaven and wait for you, until one day you will be by my side, next to God… Together... Forever!


  1. This story is dedicated to all my best buddies out there! I wrote this just for you guys!!!

  2. thanx Rosh.....Anyways this is Awesome.....Keep it up

  3. WOW.....That's realy touching. I'm sure you do have a set of ppl who cares about you like you do...may b more than that...

    It don't know how they feel about you....


  4. hehe... Ya well... Hope you're right!!!

  5. wow.. Rosh. it'z gr8.... Nvr knew U think abt Me so much... All d vry best n lov ya so much... dere's only one thing I'v gotta tell U "You are my best friend, and I need you!"

  6. my darling rosh,
    i never knew u think about me this much caz afta schooli couldnt spend a lot f time with u,, even though i wont be able to c u everyday ,, very nice of u hun n very touching thoughts...... tc love

  7. Hey nice to see friends appreciated. Good work rosh thats so nice of you to remember us..

  8. Dude this is just amazing.Keep up the good work.I just want you to know that you can count on me for anything. You are a really great person. Lucky to have a friend like you.Love ya(",)

  9. wow, itz gr8!! keep it up akki.....
