Monday, June 18, 2012


I'm a porcelain doll in a glass bottle. I have always been admired by everyone. My beautiful face, my glass brown eyes, my beautiful frilled dress has always been a topic of discussion. People liked to look at me and admire my beauty. Some stare at me for hours. But no one was allowed to touch me. My master has kept me on a shelf in his room with the door always locked. No one was allowed to take me out. Not even my master took me anywhere.

I have always wondered why... Why does my master have me secured? Am I really something worth keeping? All other dolls get their chance to go out, travel, see the world, be on display, and play with children. But not me. I had all the beauty in the world, all the comfort in the world. My master dusted my bottle daily to keep me shining. But I was nothing more than a prisoner in my own house. I didn't want to be.

I wanted to go out, to see the world. I wanted to travel. I wanted to play with children just like every other doll. But I couldn't do any of that. Was this life worth living? Was there any point being so pretty, rich and protected if I wasn't happy? I didn't want this. I wanted to end it all. I wanted to be free.

I waited for a windy day. My master always left one window in the room open just enough for a small ray of sunlight to come in. A gust of wind flew in that day; The day I decided to end it all. I called out to the wind. It heard me. The wind flew towards me. I pushed my bottle towards the wind. The wind knocked it off the shelf and it rolled. I could see the floor coming closer and closer. In a few seconds my bottle hit the floor. I felt my face knocking the ground hard. The bottle shattered, and so did I.

I was no longer beautiful. I was no longer wanted. I was no longer the centre of attention. I was broken, shattered, torn and ugly. My master had nothing to do but throw me away.

I was once a porcelain doll in a glass bottle. A prisoner in my own house! A victim! And now I am no more. But I was happy! Because now... I was finally free!


  1. Nice story.... and nice thinking :)

  2. Nice one rosh... Touch different from your previous ones... :)

  3. Thnx Lucky... Yeah I wanted it to be a bit different ;)

  4. Love the way you have handled the perspective of the storyline.
