Friday, April 11, 2014

Angel without wings

Have you seen an angel? Well, I have. Angels are invisible, some of you may say, but no! Some angels live among us, hidden. It’s just a matter of being able to recognise one when you see them. I am happy to say I have met an angel, and I was able to recognise his true self. I have seen the angel covered behind the mask the world saw. I am happy to say, I have found a true guardian angel.

Even through this angel did not have wings or a halo (or maybe they were just invisible), even though this angel did not glow in the dark; he had done so many miracles in this world. This angel had saved so many lives, protected so many people, helped so many lost souls, and guided so many troubled hearts into the arms of God. He knew the Bible like the back of his own hand. This is the story of one true angel, a rare guardian angel, sent by God to protect the people he loved, and I believe I was blessed when he walked into my life. I believe I am lucky to have been one of the people he had protected and looked out for.

When I first met him I saw him as a regular guy living an ordinary life, but once I got to know him better I knew that there was no other person worth getting to know as much as him. By looks he was a regular guy, tall, muscular, and quite charming. He did everything a normal guy did, including trying to work out or go to the gym. But he was also blessed with an amazing mind and a beautiful loving and caring heart. Unfortunately, not everyone saw it.

Just like a heavenly figure lost in the midst of human beings, this angel was quite misunderstood. The more he tried to help people, the more he was judged and attacked. The more he tried to be kind and gentle, the more he was tagged as a person using people for his own benefit. To some people he was a cheat, to some people he was a flirt, to some people he was a nobody, and sometimes he was misjudged not only by the world but also by his close friends and family; but he still continued to do good to the world anyway!

Unfortunately the more good he did, the worse his reputation shattered. People around him judged him so badly and created rumours so harsh that his character was affected deeply; so deeply that his true self had to be buried in a mask in front of people. The mask covered him to the extent that his true self was not visible to the world anymore. Among people, he was just another guy.

The angel was hurt and depressed. He did not want to stay on earth anymore. He wanted to be free. He wanted to fly away so badly that he kept repeating this verse over and over in his mind.

“This world is not my home
Although it seems to be
My home is with my God
In the place he made for me
He’s coming back real soon
The signs are very clear
So when the trumpet sounds
I’ll be outta here”

I don’t’ know how people misunderstood him. If they had tried to get to know him better without just judging him, maybe they also would have seen the beautiful angel I saw. Maybe they also would have seen him for his true self, his true form. He has told me so many times how God communicates with him through music. I have seen it happen right in front of my own eyes. God DJ’d for him, and that made him happy. When I was next to him, surprisingly God Dj’d for me too.

This angel had helped me out on multiple occasions. He had not only guided me to God, and helped me to confide in Him for all my problems, but this angel had also helped me understand myself. He showed me that there is more to me than I had ever known. He showed me that I was more powerful than I had ever imagined. I know I am nothing but just a human being, but sometimes I wished from the bottom of my heart to have the ability of helping him back, returning the favour. I wished for God to show me what I could do to keep his true self alive. I wanted him to feel accepted, understood, loved and cared for, not for being the mask, but for being the true angel he was.

I know he will not be on earth forever. I know he will leave this world someday for his own good once his mission was fulfilled. It could be today, tomorrow or in 10 or 20 years, but once that day comes, when he finally decides to stretch out his hidden wings and fly, I wished to be there next to him. I wished to hold his hand for the very last time, as he took off. I would smile at him, as he would ascend into heaven. As much as it would be sad for me to watch him leave, deep down I will be happy watching his dream come true. I will be happy knowing he is finally happy, and that his mission on earth was fulfilled. He would be with God, exactly where he wanted to be, and someday at the end of days if I am bleassed enough to go to Heaven, I will see him again. I know he will welcome me with open arms and walk me to meet God. On that day I can thank God for how much he had blessed me, for giving me the best guardian angel ever!

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