Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The beginning of a beautiful friendship

“You know I would never betray you!” His words echoed in my mind. Jake... How could he do this to me? He had promised he’d be there for me. He had promised to spend the rest of his life with me. But no! He had betrayed me. He had broken all his promises.

I stared at the mirror examining myself. I didn’t recognise the girl who looked back at me. She was thinner than ever, as if she hadn’t eaten for months! She had sad tearing eyes reflecting her broken heart. My broken heart! I didn’t recognise my own self!

“Come on Andy!” I spoke to the girl in the mirror. “How could you have changed so much?”

My life had changed rapidly over the past few weeks. I closed my eyes and imagined the first day I got her message... Sarah... That was her name. She had told me that Jake was her boyfriend and that they were having an affair. I didn’t believe it at first. But then, Jake’s behaviour explained a lot. He was seeing another girl behind my back. He wasn’t just betraying me, he was betraying Sarah too...

I had spent endless nights crying over Jake, but I had also continued to do one thing. I had kept in touch with Sarah; the girl who saved my life... from Jake. The girl, whose life was also at a risk. Jake could destroy her life too, in the same way he had destroyed mine. Jake was a player. He had betrayed me, and he could do the same thing to Sarah. I couldn’t let that happen now, could I?

All my happy memories with Jake came back to me when I knelt in front of Jesus in church on Sunday morning. I had prayed and prayed for salvation, for forgiveness, and for me to have the strength to face anything that came my way. My love for Jake would always remain the same, no matter how badly he had hurt me. And if he really did love Sarah, all I could do was to sacrifice my happiness for his, and for hers.

“I’m glad I have you to talk to,” I told Sarah one day. It was the first time we had met. “If it wasn’t for you, I don’t know where I would’ve been by now.”

“Yeah, me too,” she replied back. I stared at her eyes. I knew exactly what she was thinking. How many more girls had Jake deserted? How many girls will he desert in the future? What kind of a future would Sarah have if she really lasts with him? Would Jake always be faithful to Sarah? Did he really love her? These were questions that only God could answer. I closed my eyes and made a silent wish, for the answers to be positive for Sarah.

“Sarah, let’s be friends,” I said. “If anything goes wrong between you two, you can always count on me. I will definitely help you!”

“I don’t understand,” Sarah said, as she looked right at my eyes. “You lost Jake because of me! I took him away from you, and you still want to help me?”

I smiled. This was one thing people would never understand about me. My loyalty and protection towards the people I love. I nodded. “Yes,” I said. “I can help you.” I stared at Sarah as she gazed into my eyes, confusion written all over her face.

“Plus... It will be Christmas in a few days,” I said. “I can manage doing a few good things!”

“But...” Sarah started, but I shook my head and held her hand.

“I’m not angry with you Sarah, nothing is your fault. Jake played around with both of us, and we can’t help it. If there was one person to blame, it’s Jake. Not you, not me, not anyone else!” I smiled at her, as I watched tears curl up in her eyes.

“I can’t do this!” she said. “You love Jake!”

“So do you!” I said. “Sarah, if Jake is happy with you, then I don’t want him back. He can stay with you. You are not a bad person I know that. He’s lucky to have a girl like you.”

“But he hurt you!” she said. She was silent for a while. “You really love him a lot don’t you?”

I nodded. “Yes!” I said. “And, that’s why, I decided to leave him.” I smiled, forcing my tears to go away. Wow! I’m stronger than I thought! However Sarah had tears rolling down her cheeks. “Don’t!” I said, wiping them away. “Don’t cry for me!”

“I don’t know what to say Andy!” Sarah said, as she hugged me. A slight tear escaped the corner of my eye. I wiped it away before pulling back.

“Be happy Sarah!” I said. “And keep Jake happy.” I smiled. “Also remember, if you ever need anything, any help, any advice, simply anything in life, I’m just a phone call away!” Sarah nodded. “So what do you say? Friends?” I asked, stretching my hand towards her.

She smiled as she took my hand. “More like sisters!” she said.

I smiled to myself. This was not the end, I realised. This was just the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Jake may have destroyed my life, but thanks to him, I had found a great true friend.

Friday, December 18, 2009

One simple hug...

All I need is one simple hug...
To tell me that you Love me
To tell me that you care

All I need is one simple hug...
To make me feel wanted
To tell me that you'll be there

All I need is one simple hug...
A hug that can make my sorrow disappear
A hug that can make my day

All I need is one simple hug...
To know that you'll never leave me
To know that you'll forever Love me

And all I can do is give you one simple hug...
To tell you I will be there
To tell you I will never leave you

Today, I will give you one simple hug...
To tell you I will always Love you...
Forever and ever and ever...

Friday, November 20, 2009

You are a dream come true

“Go Jeremy!” I screamed as the crowd cheered. I watched eagerly as Jeremy grabbed the ball, and ran, bouncing it along the way. He took a leap towards the basket and the ball flew up in the air. Yes! He made it! The crowd cheered. I jumped up from my seat, my hands meeting as a huge round of applause broke from the crowd. Jeremy had scored the winning point.

Basketball... It wasn’t my favourite sport in the world. However I never missed a match when Jeremy played. He was simply perfect. I loved basketball as long as Jeremy played. I loved basketball as long as I loved Jeremy. There was just one problem. He wasn’t talking to me.

Jeremy and I had been so close few months back, but when he started going out with a girl everything had changed. I did not know who she was, but somehow she had managed to take my Jeremy away from me. I guess it was my entire fault. Did Jeremy even know that I loved him? I guess not... I had never told him how much I loved him. I was too weak, and I had lost him. However I was happy that God had not created me as a selfish person. My happiness didn’t matter. All I wanted was for Jeremy to be happy. Love can never be forced, and I knew that more than anyone else in this entire world. I was happy as long as he was happy.

Ever since that day I had decided to stay away from my Jeremy. I knew it would be so hard and painful, but all I wanted was his happiness, not mine. I had never missed a single match he played, or never forgot to remember him in my prayers. He deserved all the happiness in the world, much more than I did. He deserved to have a loving girl next to him, who will look after him and love him for the rest of his life.

I watched Jeremy as he walked towards the stage to hold on to the championship trophy with his team mates. I smiled and clapped along with the crowd. Suddenly, he turned and scanned through the crowd, as if he was looking for someone. After a few seconds, his eyes rested on me and he looked right into my eyes.

No! He shouldn’t see me! I didn’t want him to think that I was following him. I turned and got off the pavilion, and started walking towards the exit. I didn’t want to ruin his perfect moment. Just as I reached the exit I felt a tight grip on my shoulder.

“Jess, wait! Please!” It was Jeremy.

I felt slightly embarrassed, and I tried to think of a smart answer to say if he asked why I came. But I couldn’t think properly. My mind was completely blank. All I managed to say was, “I have to go.”

“Jess, I’m so sorry!” Jeremy said, as he hugged me. I pulled back, shocked. What was going on? I looked around to see if there was any other girl close by. Didn’t she come to watch him play? Finally my eyes met his. His gaze was something else. A combination of worry, pain, and guilt covered his eyes.

“Are you ok?” I managed to choke out.

“I’ve missed you Jess!” he said. “I’m so sorry I left you! I didn’t realise how much you loved me, and most of all I didn’t realise how much I loved you!” I stared at him, shocked. Tears started curling up in my eyes. I managed to blink them away.

“Where’s your girlfriend?” I asked.
“She’s not here,” he said. “We broke up sometime back.”
“What?” I asked. “Why?”

“Because I realised that you’re the one I love! You’re the one I can’t live without.” Jeremy stared at my eyes when he spoke. Honesty was filled in his eyes. He wasn’t lying. “I do love you! And I can’t ever even dream of living without you. I’m sorry Jess. Will you forgive me, and take me back?”

I wasn’t sure what I felt. I didn’t even know how I should feel. All I knew was that a part of me was extremely happy, that Jeremy had come back, and another part of me was about to explode with tears of losing him in the first place.

“I do love you Jeremy!” I said. “I guess I always have...” He hugged me once again, his arms strongly wrapped around me. I hugged him back.

I never in a million years thought that he would ever speak to me. I never in a million years thought that we would end up together. I do not have words to express how I felt that day, when he told me how he really felt. All I know is that I had never been happier in my entire life ever before. I was extremely happy now, and so was he. We’re together now, and nothing will ever separate us. He was the love of my life, he was my guardian angel, I loved him so much and so did he. This was simply a dream come true.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The deepest sacrifice

"I will fight for you if I have to! He can't hurt you no more!" Keith screamed as he held Jessica's hand. He pulled her closer towards him, and kissed her. Slight tears curled up in Jessica's eyes. She blinked it away before it escaped. She pulled back to look at Keith's handsome face staring down at her.

Why didn't I meet him before? Jessica had often wondered. Where was he couple of years back when she really needed him? Jessica's memory flashed back to the first day she had met Keith. She was alone in a corner of the bar sipping a beer when he had walked towards her. By the first conversation itself they had really clicked. Jessica found that it was easier to talk to Keith about anything she wanted. They had spoken about various things and had a laugh together. It was after many years that Jessica had truly laughed from the heart. Her heart was full of pain, but she always managed to cover it up with a smile. However Keith could see her through. After a couple of beers together Jessica had stood up to leave.

"My husband will be looking for me," she had told Keith that night, and watched his expression change.

"You're married?" Keith said in utter disbelief. Jessica felt her heart burn but she had managed to stay calm. She was surprised when she saw Keith smile.

"What is it?" she asked.

"You're married to a man you don't love," he said. "You're not happy. You keep smiling but you have a heart full of pain."

"How can you say that?" Jessica had asked.

"Trust me!" Keith said. "I know! I can read people; their expressions; their reactions. And you are nothing but hurt deeply."

Jessica had not waited to respond. She had runaway as fast as she could. She knew that Keith was right. Her husband, Rob, was not the ideal lover. At first when they started going out they had been a happy couple but when things started to go wrong Jessica had figured out he was not the right one for her. She had tried to break up with him, and leave, but he had somehow managed to hold her back by threatening her. He had somehow managed to force her into marriage. Jessica hadn't had a choice but to marry him.

But now... She had met Keith out of the blue. A complete stranger who just happened to have a beer with her, and he knew more about her than anyone else. Maybe he knew her even more than she knew herself! Jessica had continued to keep in touch with Keith. They had met in the bar regularly and had their own conversations, sometimes happy conversations, sometimes about her pain, or about him and his own problems. Whatever they talked about Jessica finally felt that she was accepted for who she was. She was not forced into anything. With Keith around she felt like she was finally free to be herself.

One day when Keith walked into the bar Jessica had seen a slight shadow of pain written on his face. She was worried when Keith silently sat down beside her without his usually hyper mood. That night Keith had confessed that he was in love with her. He was in love with a Jessica, who was already married to Rob. Jessica had cried all night long after she had reached home. All her life she had been looking for a guy like Keith but when she finally found him, she was not in a position to accept him. She already belonged to someone else.

Eventually Jessica found herself tossing and turning in bed wondering how Keith was. She had found out that it was absolutely impossible to stay away from Keith. She knew she had to leave Rob. She decided that she would run away from home. She wouldn't tell Rob or Keith anything of where she was going. She would come back to Keith later, when the situation had calmed down. But before she left she needed to see Keith one last time.

That was when they had decided to meet in the park. Keith had kissed her, and Jessica had felt all her problems vanish into the thin air. Keith didn't want Rob to hurt her anymore. She knew that he felt for her and loved her.

After coming home that evening she decided to pack her bags. She had to do it before Rob came home from work. But her luck stood across her way. Just as she walked towards the door with the luggage in her hand the door opened, and her husband stood there, staring at her in his usual angry look.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" he asked her as he locked the door behind him and walked towards her. Jessica opened her mouth to respond, but no words came out. Run, a voice inside her spoke.

"I need to leave! I'm done with all your nonsense!" she shouted. Rob stared at her for a while and suddenly started laughing.

"You want to leave me?" He laughed. "Like I'd let you leave! You're not stepping out of the house!" She watched as Rob drew a gun out of him pocket.

"Where did u get that from?" Jessica asked, as her eyes widened.

"I bought it," he said. "Just when I found out about you and that filthy boyfriend of yours!" The fear in Jessica's heart rose as Rob pointed the gun right at her.

"Don't worry!" he said. "I have license and I am allowed to use it! So, any last words?"

Jessica closed her eyes. She could see Keith's handsome face, shattered with worry. She imagined him waiting for her in the bar. Her greatest fear was losing him, but she was ready. It was her fault. She had married the guy she couldn't love, and loved the guy she couldn't have! She was ready to die! She opened her eyes and tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"I'd rather die than live with you!" she said. "Shoot!"

Rob stared at her, surprised, but pleased with himself. He held on to the trigger and aimed at Jessica's forehead.

"Shoot!" Jessica screamed. "SHOOT!"

With a loud bang Rob pulled the trigger as he watched his wife fall down lifeless.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

You are my best friend, and I need you!

My only dream is to see you happy. My only hope is for you to be healthy. You are my best friend, and I need you! Good or bad, happy or sad I'll always stick around with you. I'll always look up to you, honour you, guide you, care for you and love you. If there was no such person as you, there would be no such person as me.

You and I, we're connected. If you are sad I'd feel it even if I was a million miles away. If you are happy, my heart would jump with joy for you. Your success would bring tears of happiness into my eyes even before it reaches yours.

If I have ever shouted at you, if I have ever scolded you, if I have ever hurt you, please forgive me. Whatever I do, I do it for you. I want you to be a good person, heart and soul. I want the world to look up to you and think of you as a role model. I don't want you to do anything wrong because that could hurt me. I simply want you to be the best person ever to be born into the world.

Whatever you do I will always have your back covered. If you are in trouble I will never let go of you, but will be there for you to help you, guide you and protect you. The world may look at you in one way, but to my eyes you are special. You are who you are, whatever the world may think. You are unique and independent, and to me that is what makes you special.

I am who I am because of you. You are my inspiration! You are my best friend! You are my shadow! And I need you! Wherever I may be, whatever I may do, wherever my future would take me just remember that I will always be by your side, safe in your heart. If I die, I will look down at you from heaven and wait for you, until one day you will be by my side, next to God… Together... Forever!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cigarettes... Is it worth all the trouble?

It pained my heart as I watched him walk out of the door. All this time we were so close. We had been best friends or even closer. I will never be able to define what kind of friendship we had. Whatever it was, right now it was shattering. Crashing into pieces. Why? Just cos of one cigarette?

What is it with guys and cigarettes anyway? Cigarettes, which guys are willing to die for... Cigarettes, which they would sacrifice anything for... including their friends and all their loved ones. Was is just an addiction? Or is it like a drug that you can never give up once you get into? Was it worth sacrificing your friendship for a cigarette?

Most guys I knew did not smoke. I thought the new generation of modern guys did not smoke at all. But I was wrong. I wish I could go back into the past and erase my words of asking him not to smoke. Even though I was 100 per cent allergic to smoke, and even if the smell of cigarettes could harm me or even kill me, at least I would've had my friend! At least he wouldn't have changed. He had had the opportunity to chose between my friendship and his beloved cigarette, and he chose the second. I felt pained and crushed. This wasn't right! I had to be ok! I had to be fine!

"I'm fine!" I screamed out trying to convince myself. But was I fine? I did not know. Why did a cigarette have to come in between? It was the stupidest reason I could think of for a good friendship to shatter. But my allergy came in between. He doesn't understand the problem I have for smoke. The doctor had once advised my father to stop smoking because it was affecting me! How could I hang around all day long with a person who has smoke filled in his lungs?

I closed my eyes and flashed back to all the happier days. He used to call me at least five or six times a day. But not anymore. Now he hardly ever calls me unless I called him first. He's forgotten me! He wants time alone. I have to let go! I have to leave him alone.

"Ok!" I said to myself. I'm not going to trouble him again. He was a free person. He can do whatever he wanted. I had no right to tell him what to do. After all it was his life! He'd call me if he wanted to. If he doesn't call me, that means he doesn't want me or my freindship. He can move on. He can be happy. If cigarettes are his happiness, then I wont stand in the way. I'd have to let go.

I decided to put all my thought into paper and send it to him. He would be happy and move on with his precious cigarettes. I'd go back into the same old lonely lifestyle I've always been in. And maybe I'd continue to hope and pray that someday he would stop smoking. And when that day comes he'd remember me, and call me... I wiped out my tears and smilled at myself, as I picked up a paper and started scribbling down my thoughts.

Friday, May 29, 2009

You're not alone!

I looked at his face as he held my hand. He was as white as a ghost and his tiny little hand was shivering against mine. He looked up at me with eyes full of tears. I knelt down beside him and wiped his tears. He had been through too much for a seven year old.

“Don’t worry Nathan! It’s going to be ok,” I managed to say. He nodded, speechless. I stood up and turned back to face the room full of crowded people. Everyone’s eyes were glued on the little boy standing beside me. I sighed. Can’t these people just stop staring? Didn’t they know that they are freaking him out?

“Come on Nathan,” I said as I walked towards the front of the court room, Nathan following beside me. We took our seats in the second row, facing the judge. I could feel everyone’s gaze fixed on us. On Nathan...! The little boy who got stuck in between his parent’s divorce! This is far too much pressure for a seven year old. But he was handling it well, I thought. He was a strong kid.

I closed my eyes and pictured the first day I looked at the little boy sitting next to me. His mother, Jessie, was one of my best friends. I had known her since first grade. I was by Jessie’s side when she had delivered. Jessie’s husband, Matt, was mostly away; out of the country on business matters. He had not been around when Jessie had given birth to their son. He had been too busy to even come down when he heard his son’s name. Jessie had named me Nathan’s God mother, and right now I was doing exactly what a good God mother should do. I was looking after Nathan, guarding him, loving him, supporting him throughout his parent’s divorce. But there was one problem... Jessie and Matt could divide anything between them, but how could they divide Nathan?

“Rianna,” Nathan said, as he held on to my hand tightly. I looked at him. “Will this end everything?” he asked innocently. “Will mom and dad stop fighting after today?” I felt my heart burn with affection for the little boy. I nodded, forcing a smile on myself.
“And they would be together? Is that what the judge is going to do? Ask mom and dad to stop fighting?” I didn’t answer, but smiled at him. Nathan seemed happier after that, but only for a little while.

I watched Nathan cry silently as the case began. Lawyers spoke in and out about Matt and Jessie, and about all the bad things they have done to each other. Matt and Jessie were there, but both of them seemed to be more interested in thrashing words at each other, rather than giving one loving look at their son. I put my hand around Nathan’s shoulder. He cried harder and harder. In few minutes, the decision was made. Jessie and Matt were legally separated! But then, the hard part arrived. Who will have Nathan?

Jessie’s lawyer argued by saying how Jessie had always looked after Nathan whenever Matt was away. She had given birth without her husband by her side! Matt’s lawyer argued by saying Jessie couldn’t have afforded a good hospital to give birth if Matt hadn’t worked so hard. Also whenever Matt came home after long trips he used to bring a separate luggage full of gifts for his son.

“Being rich is not everything!” Jessie’s lawyer said. “A child wants his father to be there!”
“Matt has been a good father!” Matt’s lawyer said. “Why don’t we ask Nathan who loves him most!” The crowd turned to look at the judge, who was thoughtful for a moment.
“That’s it!” The judge said. “We shall ask the child! Nathan, could you please walk up to me, son?” He was looking directly at Nathan.

I couldn’t believe what was happening. I stood up to escort Nathan towards the judge. Nathan stood up, tears still rolling down his tiny little cheeks.

“You can tell the judge exactly what you want ok?” I whispered to him as we walked towards the judge.
“Nathan,” the judge said loud and clear. Everyone looked up, eager to hear what was coming next. “Who do you love the most in this world?”
“My mom and dad!” The innocent little voice answered.
“If I asked, who do you love the most out of your mom and dad, who would you chose? You can chose only one of them,” The judge asked. I felt Nathan’s heartbeat rising. “Answer me Nathan.” The judge’s voice was kind, but steady.
“I love both of them!” Nathan answered. I looked at Jessie and Matt from the corner of my eye. Jessie was crying, and Matt looked crushed. At least they loved their son even a little bit.
“I love both of them, and I want both of them!” he screamed. “Please don’t separate my parents!” Nathan started crying until he couldn’t speak.
“Your honour! This is too much for a little boy to take!” I told the judge, as I carried Nathan back to our seats. He didn’t argue.

Finally the decision was made. The decision shocked all of us. Until Matt and Jessie came to an agreement on who took Nathan, he was to stay under custody! They would find a foster care home for him. I didn’t like it. I thought for a moment, and before I realised what I was doing, I stood up.

“I’ll take care of him!” I said. I felt the crowd watch me with oooh’s and aaah’s from the last row. “He doesn’t have to stay with a bunch of people he doesn’t know! I’ve looked after him for as long as I can remember! I can do this!”

There was a moment of silence. The judge and the lawyers of both parties engaged themselves in a silent conversation. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the lawyers moved back and the judge cleared his throat.

“Very well!” he said. “I believe you are his God mother?”
“Yes!” I answered.
“Nathan will live with you, until his parents come to an agreement,” The judge said. “You will treat him as your own, and his parents are allowed to visit at any time!” I nodded as I smiled. I looked at Nathan, and I felt happy that he was wiping all his tears. The decision was finalised.

I took Nathan home with me that night. Matt and Jessie never came to an agreement, but kept on fighting. They visited Nathan often, but after couple of years they reduced the number of visits, until they completely stopped coming. Later on I heard they had both re married. But it didn’t bother me! I was happy, and so was Nathan. He loved me as much as he loved his own mother or even more. He never complained once, but was grateful that I had taken him in when he needed someone the most. He was not alone, and neither was I. I had made his life perfect! And today he was a sixteen year old, getting ready for his first date. I watched him dress up. I let him borrow my car.

“I’ll be home soon,” he said, and I smiled.
“Enjoy!” I said, as I kissed him on the cheek, before I watched him disappear out of the door.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A very special gift from God

Facebook… It’s a word that has touched so many young hearts in the modern world. This is the number one way of keeping in touch with all your friends. In the same way, you also get to meet new friends. I was a Facebook addict, and this is how I met my best friend Ryan.

Ryan and I had worked in the same company for more than two years but surprisingly had never met each other. On that day when I had the friend request from him I wondered who he was. After looking at his picture I realized that I had seen him around in office. I accepted the request with doubts in my mind of what sort of a person he was, but soon I realized that the decision I made that day, was hundred percent the right thing to do! It was far more the best thing I’ve ever done, as that simple friend request led into a life time of a beautiful friendship.

Ryan and I started chatting online, and each time we chatted we ended up with lots of laughter. We spoke about our families, work, and even our own separate love lives. My heart and mind felt relaxed with him. Stress just disappeared. I was not worried about anything. I was happier than ever, and I knew that so was he.

However in between the happiness I found out that Ryan, unlike me, had a heart breaking past. He lost both his parents three years back, and had since lived with his mother’s sister. His aunt loved him a lot, but Ryan felt lonely as he had no parents or siblings. He eased his pain by talking to me even more often. By this time Ryan had taken a very special place in my heart, and surprisingly had become one of my best friends.

Then one day Ryan told me something that made my heart stop. Ryan had a very rare heart condition, where one side of his heart was very weak. He had had it since birth, but had found out only couple of years back and had continuously taken medication for it. He was due for an operation in two months time and had to fly overseas for this to be done. I was worried. I prayed for him whenever I thought of him. Ryan always spoke as if that very day was the last day of his life. He believed he was going to die. But I didn’t! I knew God wouldn’t take him away right now. God made us meet in a very unusual way, and ended up making us best friends. God couldn’t take him away from me just like that! I didn’t want him to.

The problem with having a heart disease was the very fact that there was a high risk involved in the operation. I was worried because I knew Ryan was suffering. Every night he suffered from chest pains. A simple cold or cough could make him feel worse. The operation had to be done; the risk had to be taken. I prayed for him over and over, and I asked him to do the same. If there was one person who could make his pain disappear, it was God! I knew it!

Months passed in a flash, and I had to say goodbye to Ryan as he left the country one week prior to the operation. He asked me to be safe, and promised me that he would call me as soon as the operation was done. I was happy that his aunt was going with him, as I knew it would make him stronger. I spent most of my day praying. I did lots of charity work, behalf of Ryan, praying for a cure. I was worried as I had not heard from him since the day he left, but I also knew that God was watching over him for me. And I was confident that he would be cured.

Finally it was the day of the operation. I woke up in the morning and ran to church. I asked Jesus to watch over my best friend, who was now at the operation theatre. I had tears in my eyes as I looked at the clock. Time passed, and I felt eased as I came home. Something about that hour in church made me feel good. I felt that everything was going to be ok. After a long sigh, I smiled. I thought about the way Ryan used to come on Facebook, just to chat with me and bug me. I had enjoyed those conversations so much. I smiled to myself, thinking of the way Ryan used to be there for me whenever I needed a friend. He had once stayed up all night just because I was stuck at work doing overtime, and he could not sleep until I had safely reached home.

There it was… The call I had expected! My mobile was ringing! I ran and answered the call.
“Ryan!” I said. I was breathless, but was full of hope.
“Don’t worry!” he said. “The operation was successful. I’m gonna live forever!”

I smiled in between tears of happiness. God had answered my prayer! My best buddy was alright. Now we could be friends forever. Life was amazing. We get so many ups and downs, but there would always be a happy ending. I waited impatiently for Ryan to come back. Then we could meet again, have a coffee, hang out in the same way we always have. I smiled. This was far most the biggest gift I’ve ever received from God. God had given me my best friend back!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sweet Betrayal

It pained my heart to think of it. Why he would do it, I did not know. Had I done anything wrong? Did I ever let him feel like I did not love him? But how could that be? After all these years together....

My heart was heating up, tears curling up in my eyes. I saw a vision of that painful memory that haunted my heart. I saw the way he hugged her, and kissed her. He had not known I was there. If he had seen me, would he have freaked out? What about the girl? Who was she? Where did she come from? Did she know everything about him? Did she know about me? or did she not? Question after question listed in my mind. I had to find the answers. I needed the answers. I had to find out why he had done this to me.

It was New Year’s Eve when we first laid eyes on each other. I had managed to stun him somehow, and he was after me through out the whole night begging for my number. Something about him attracted me. Maybe it was the way he looked at me, or the way he spoke, I did not know. He never left without my number that night. I realized that together with my number he had also taken a part of my heart away with him. Even though it was our first meeting I felt as if I've known him forever.

I couldn't believe the enthusiasm in my own voice on the very first day that he called me. I tried my best to keep my voice calm and cool, but I knew I was doing a very lousy job at it. The more I tried to sound cool, the more excited my voice seemed to be. It was not long before we started dating. We went out for movies, had dinner, and went for parties all together. We could not stay away from each other.

Tears were now rolling down my cheeks as I drowned in my memories. Seeing him with that girl in that way had completely crushed me down. My whole world had crashed in front of my eyes. She had stolen the love of my life away from my heart. Why did she do that? How could she do that? Didn't she know how I felt? I was a girl! Didn't she know how girls felt? Wasn't she a girl herself? I heard my phone ringing in a distance. I chose to ignore it. I mean... How worse could it possibly get? The phone rang and rang. A tiny little voice in my heart told me to pick it up.

In between tears, and with frustration overtaking my heart, I answered the phone. It was a girl on the other side.

"Hi," she said. Her voice sounded distant, and I felt that she too, was a bit upset over something. "I want you to know something," she said.

"Yes?" I said trying my best to sound normal.

"Your boyfriend... I need to tell you something about him," she said. I paused. Was this her? Was she calling me to ask me to back off? I felt like crying harder than ever. I did not want to hear the rest. I did not want to know what she had to say. I wanted to dash the phone on the ground and run off.

"I don't think I want to know anything!" I said. "Please leave me alone!" I could not hide the pain in my voice. My voice was giving up on me.

"You need to know!" she said. "Please don't put the phone down. Please listen to me!"

"What do you have to say?" I screamed at her. "You stole him away from me!"

"No I didn't!" she yelled back. "It was you who stole him away from me!"

I could not believe what I was hearing. We had been together for almost three years now. How could she say something like that? I stole him from her...?

"Listen to me..." she said, "You're having an affair with my husband! We got married five years ago, but fate separated us... And today, after a long hard search, I have finally found him! I thought I had lost him forever!"

"No!" I screamed. This could not be! This could not be true! "It can't be!"

"I'm sorry!" she said. "I really am! Please forgive me and my husband for everything... every tear... every problem we may have ever caused."

I felt the pain in my heart overflow. It slowly turned into hatred. After all the love and support I've given him, he destroyed my life! And she... she had not betrayed me... I had betrayed her! I felt my body go numb. My heart ached and screamed. I saw his face everywhere I looked. I closed my eyes and felt the phone slip off my fingers. With a loud thud it hit the floor. I felt my legs give up on me. I couldn't stand straight. My breath tightened, and my heartbeat was slowing down. In the same way my tears rolled down my cheeks, I felt myself falling... falling... falling... and then suddenly, everything went black!